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Food photography is not just about capturing beautiful images, it's about telling a story through the lens of a camera. It's about showcasing the unique flavors and textures of each dish, and evoking a sense of appetite and desire in the viewer. It's a passion that requires creativity, dedication, and a true love for the art of food.

My Story

I knew almost nothing about photography. My father, who was a photography enthusiast, took pictures of me constantly, since I was just a few months old. And when I was four years old, he introduced me to the world of photography and taught me everything he knew. We spent countless hours together in the darkroom, developing films.
After finishing high school, I decided to pursue a degree in economics and eventually graduated with a degree in business administration and accounting. With my new qualifications, I started my own real estate agency and worked in that field for several years. When the economic crisis hit, I found myself needing to pivot and consider other career options.
It was at this point that I remembered my love for photography and decided to return to it as a hobby. Initially, I focused on general photography. I became a self-taught photographer and I developed a passion for food photography early on, drawn to the challenge of capturing the vibrant colors and textures of dishes in a way that truly does them justice. I wanted to become a professional food photographer, so I enrolled in courses with renowned photographers and dedicated myself to learning as much as I could about this specialized area of photography.
As I became more serious about photography and devoted myself to learning new techniques and styles, I honed my skills and developed a true passion for the art. Through hard work and dedication, I became a highly skilled and experienced food photographer. I am able to bring out the best in every dish, highlighting its unique features and characteristics. My images are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also tantalizing and appetizing.
As a photographer, I am driven by a desire to create stunning and memorable images that truly capture the essence of my subjects. Whether it’s a beautiful plate of food or a breathtaking landscape, I strive to bring out the beauty and emotion in every shot. I am confident in my ability to deliver high-quality photography services and am excited to work with brands to bring their vision to life. In the past two years, I have also ventured into the world of NFTs and other forms of digital art. I have been fascinated by the world of AI-based art since its early stages, and my journey in this innovative field began in 2021. From the moment I immersed myself in the possibilities offered by AI, I was captivated by its transformative power and its potential to enhance my photography. Since then, I have dedicated myself to specializing in the art of weaving my photography with AI techniques, creating a unique fusion that produces truly extraordinary experiences. By combining the artistic vision behind my photography with the creative abilities of AI, I have been able to push the boundaries of what is possible and bring my imagination to life. The results of my work have been exceptional, and I am extremely proud to have had the opportunity to showcase my creations in exhibitions worldwide. It is a great honor to share my artistic vision with others and witness the reactions and emotions that my work evokes. Through the seamless integration of AI into my photography, I have been able to create engaging and captivating experiences for viewers. Each artwork tells a story, evokes emotions, and invites observers to explore the intersection of technology and creativity. As I continue my artistic journey, I remain committed to studying new techniques that combine AI and photography. With each new project, I strive to delve into the infinite possibilities and refine my unique style. The world of AI-based art is constantly evolving, and I am excited to be a part of it and contribute to its growth and exploration.


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